
03 - 2 - Finiahed (8)

03 - 2 - Finiahed (7)

03 - 2 - Finiahed (1)

03 - 2 - Finiahed (6)

02 - 5 - Amealco Final shots (6)

02 - 5 - Amealco Final shots (5)

08 - 5 - Finiahing 1 (1)

08 - 5 - Finiahing 1 (2)

02 - 5 - Amealco Final shots (3)

02 - 4 - Amealco (7)

04 - 2 - Final (1)

02 - 03 - Amealco team building (3)

5 - 1 - Taller (3)

04 - 3 - Final (1)


02 - 4 - Amealco (9)

02 - 4 - Amealco (7)

04 - 2 - Final (1)

08 - 5 - Finiahing 1 (2)

02 - 5 - Amealco Final shots (7)

08 - 5 - Finiahing 1 (1)

04 - 1 - process (7)

04 - 1 - process (8)

04 - 1 - Process (2)

07 - 03 - Final outcome (5)

07 - 03 - Final outcome (7)

07 - 03 - Final outcome (7)

07 - 03 - Final outcome (8)

02 - 4 - Amealco (5)























Home for Aditya Tejas, India

Home for Aditya Tejas, India

The colors of Rammed Earth
A workshop for ITESM campus queretaro

Cuckoo School, India

Casa Amealco, Mexico

Casa, Amealco, Mexico
Stuccos and plasters with Lime, Under Construction

Home sweet home, Bangalore, India

Home Sweet Home, Bangalore, India

Home for Siddappa, India

Casa Macazaga, Amealco, Mexico
A simple brick dome depending only on piers. No tension ties are used in this house. The window is the form for the arches.

Casa Macazaga, Amealco, Mexico
A simple brick dome depending only on piers. No tension ties are used in this house. The window is the form for the arches.

Casa Macazaga, Amealco, Mexico
A pendentive. A simple brick dome depending only on piers. No tension ties are used in this house. The window is the form for the arches.

Casa Macazaga, Amealco, Mexico
A simple brick dome depending only on piers. No tension ties are used in this house. The window is the form for the arches.

A house for Aditya Tejas, India
Vault testing at the end of one of the workshops. Adobge bricks takign all the load.

Casa Amealco, Mexico
Boveda by Maestro Andres Flores

Rammed Earth Walls in Bangalore, India
Rammed earth walls using door frames as a formwork

Casa Amealco, Mexico
Boveda stylo Gustavino, built by James Anthony. A vault being used as a floor.

Casa Amealco, Mexico

Casa Amealco, Mexico
Tadelakt and stuccos, lime plasters on the walls.

Casa Amealco, Mexico
A very large but ecological house and workplace. Lots of vaults and Domes

Taller de Temazcal, Oaxaca, Mexico
In collaboration with Ramon Aguirre Morales of Oaxaca

Casa Naomin - Cabaña, Mexico
A 2 week building marathon to finish this 20 m2 weekend cabin

Home for Aditya Tejas, India

A house for Krishna, Bangalore, India

A house for Krishna, Bangalore, India

A house for Krishna, Bangalore, India

A house for Krishna, Bangalore, India

Home for Siddappa, Bangalore, India
Built in Bangalore with a concrete frame and infill adobe walls. Adobe vault on the second floor.

Parametric brick Vault for ITESM, Mexico
A student project while teaching at ITESM queretaro

Rammed earth consulting, Queretaro, Mexico
Helped with the rammed earth part of this structure in Queretaro.

Rammed earth consulting, Queretaro, Mexico
Helped with the rammed earth part of this structure in Queretaro.

A house for Krishna, India
Load bearing rammed earth upto 3 floors in Bangalore

A house for Krishna, India
Load bearing rammed earth upto 3 floors in Bangalore

Home sweet home, Bangalore, India
A home for my parents back in 2008. I experimented with Rammed earth for the first time here.

Casa Amealco, Mexico, India
A lot of volunteer labor and team building for my first project in Mexico.